Study Skills and Exam Techniques

Our speech pathology services

Help your child or teen learn how to study and prepare for exams

Learning how to study doesn’t come naturally for all children, especially if they have language-based learning difficulties or a language disorder. But the good news is that study skills can be taught and there are evidence-based strategies to help your child learn how to process and retain information. We can work with your child to improve their ability to process and retain information, making the most of their cognitive ability.

Our therapists can work one-on-one with your child to find approaches that work for them to:

  • Research and synthesise information
  • Revise classwork
  • Interpret exam questions
  • Plan and structure responses
  • Manage stress and anxiety in exam conditions.

As speech therapists, we can work with your child holistically to tailor our approach to their individual language and literacy weaknesses, and the goals they want to achieve. We’re language experts so we can provide structured and scaffolded instruction at the word, sentence and text levels to help students understand information. This means they can study effectively and show their learning in exams.

Effective study skills for children with language processing difficulties

If your child has a language processing difficulty, they might have trouble understanding or producing work at the word, sentence or text level.

We commonly work with children and teens to help them:Understanding academic vocabulary

  • Comprehending complex sentence structure
  • Organising information at the paragraph and text level
  • Reading and spelling below grade level
  • Writing summaries and making notes about the main ideas in the text they are reading
  • Synthesising information from a range of sources
  • Grasping some individual details of a topic, and integrating them to form a complete picture of the topic
  • Putting elements of what they have heard and read together correctly to draw the right conclusion
  • Recognising and/or remembering the multiple meanings of words
  • Interpreting questions and identifying what the question is asking them to do
  • Planning and completing work in a sequenced and structured way
  • Writing ‘on topic’ when answering questions and writing essays

We’ll work in collaboration with your child, you and your school to determine appropriate expectations and work together to achieve the desired outcomes.

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