Stay up to date with the latest speech pathology tips and trends

Speech Therapy Graduate Q&A

Recent Speech Therapy Graduates and Students – You’re invited!!
Join us online for our graduate Q&A session.  Featuring some of our exceptional …

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2023 Allied Health Awards Nominee

We are thrilled to announce that we have been nominated for the 2023 Allied Health Awards @alliedhealthawards in not just one, …

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What is Fluency?

What is fluency?
Fluency is the speech pathology term for stuttering.  When a person stutters, the flow of fluency of speech is …

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Communication Checklists

The Communication Checklists are A5-sized downloadable information sheets. These outline the talking and understanding milestones for children aged 2 to 8. …

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10 Tips to make reading fun for toddlers

Numerous studies have shown that children who were exposed to reading before preschool are more likely to do well in all …

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Ditching the Dummy

It can often be a difficult battle with your child when you think it’s time for the dummy to go, but …

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Screen Time and Its Effect on Toddlers

Toddlers can be very busy little people, and in the ‘modern day’ parents have found a solution to their woes of …

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Developmental Language Disorder (DLD): Lurking in the shadows

Speech Pathologists so often hear others comment that the reason for a child’s poor performance at school is simply “they just …

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Top 10 Tips for Talking to your Toddler

Children have an amazing ability to communicate and they learn from what is happening around them. This learning happens from the …

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Best books for 3-5 year olds

Reading with your children encourages important language, learning and early literacy skills. However, a lot of parents are unsure of which …

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